Giving to CICL
Your tax-deductible gift adds to the quality of life for those we serve.
100% of the individuals we serve are Medicaid eligible. A new coat in the winter – eyeglasses, hearing aids and other medical equipment and devices – birthday and holiday gifts – tickets to a movie, concert or sporting event; a community outing or once-in-a-lifetime vacation — a memorial service or a headstone to celebrate a life well lived – these are just some of the things that Medicaid will not fund.
100% of your gift stays here in our community to meet the needs, wishes and dreams of those we serve when no other funds are available.

Your gift will be used where needed most.
Honoring You and Your Gift
Gifts are gratefully accepted at any time, as well as at designated times, such as our annual participation in Giving Tuesday and other fundraising activities. We also set annual fundraising priorities to meet identified needs. We share our priorities in our newsletter, on social media, and on our Facebook page.
You may leave a lasting legacy with a planned gift through your will, trust, insurance, property or other gift. Please contact Chief Executive Officer Trent Grooms at [email protected] or 937-898-2220 for more information on making a planned gift on behalf of those served by Choices In Community Living.
Our commitment is to meet the needs of those we serve as we honor you and your gift.
You may share a gift in any amount to be used where most needed or you may designate your gift to something that has meaning to you. Examples of designated gifts include Adopt-A-Van; support for Choices Champions and Fun-Fit participants; support for Summer Camp; home renovations, snow removal for safety and community accessibility; integrated community activities and experiences; and making wishes and dreams come true through our Wish List.
You may make your gift in honor of an individual or organization or in memory of someone special in your life.
Why We Give
Other Ways To Give
Give Through The Mail
Donations of checks and cash sent through the mail are welcome. Please make checks payable to Choices In Community Living – 1651 Needmore Road – Dayton, OH 45414
Double Your Donation
Corporate matching gift programs are charitable giving programs setup by corporations in which the company matches donations made by employees to eligible nonprofit organizations
Donor Advised Fund (DAF) Giving
You can give through your Donor Advised Fund (DAF) or charitable checking account. Please contact your advisor or DAF representative. Choices In Community Living Charitable Tax Exempt number is 31-1126222.
Crypto Donations
Donating cryptocurrency is a non-taxable event, meaning you do not owe capital gains tax on the appreciated amount and can deduct it on your taxes. This makes Bitcoin, Ethereum and other cryptocurrency donations one of the most tax-efficient ways to support your favorite cause. You can find our accepted cryptocurrencies in an FAQ. Coming Soon
Stocks, Bonds, & Mutual Funds
Support Choices’ work by making a gift of stocks, bonds, or mutual funds. In addition to making a difference in the lives of people with disabilities, a gift of appreciated securities offers you significant benefits. These include an immediate charitable deduction for the full market value of the stock and avoidance of capital gains taxes that would normally be due upon sale. Choices In Community Living Charitable Tax Exempt number is 31-1126222
IRA Charitable Gifts
- Individuals age 70½ and older can distribute up to $100,000 each year from their IRAs to the Choices In Community Living and other charities without counting the distribution as income.
- The ability to make this gift directly from IRA accounts is now a permanent part of the U.S. tax code. The gift amount counts toward your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD), and your taxable income is lowered by the amount of your qualified charitable distribution (QCD).
- Gifts must be completed before December 31 to be eligible in the current tax year.
Bequests & Leaving a Gift in Your Will
- Gifts in your Will and bequests can take many forms. A bequest is the simplest and easiest way to make a significant gift to Choices after your lifetime. These types of giving provide flexibility as you retain your assets. You can change your mind at any time to reflect your charitable giving and philanthropic objectives.
- For more information about including a gift in your Will to Choices In Community Living, please contact CEO Trent Grooms, [email protected]
Shared Living
Imagine the joy of creating a better life and great memories for your family when you open your home and family to an individual with intellectual/developmental disabilities. Choices’ Shared Living Program provides caring individuals and families an opportunity to share their homes with an individual with intellectual/developmental disabilities. The benefits to the person with intellectual/developmental disabilities are priceless: a new home and a new family.
Summer Camp
- Done annually, $25 per camper
Wish List
- Adding to the quality of life we provide for those we serve, our Wish List makes small and big wishes come true when there are no other funds available, assuring that there will be a gift for a birthday or holiday, a warm coat in the winter, a ticket to a ball game or a concert, a once in a lifetime trip, a wish come true.